Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009


Normalization: An Exercise
ER picture:

At ERD above there are repair, that is:
Table BAGIAN and table PROYEK owning relationship PUNYA with relation 1-N where one BAGIAN can have many PROYEK. Deleted relation between relationship PUNYA and entity PROYEK
So became:

In that ER-Diagram there are 5 table:
  1. Table PEGAWAI
  2. Table BAGIAN
  3. Table KARJA
  4. Table PROYEK

A relationship said have fulfilled 1NF if every data have the character of atomic ( each line and column only having one data value)

A relationship said have fulfilled 2NF if relationship have fulfilled 1NF, and attribute (non key) have depended full to key.

A relationship said have fulfilled 3NF if relationship have fulfilled 2NF, and attribute (non key) not depended transitive to key.